Blue’s Herb Garden

We are creating a herb garden in memory of one of our volunteers, Blue Hesse, who passed away in 2019. Blue was an enthusiastic gardener who was interested in everything horticultural and seemed to be able to turn her hand to anything. She was a passionate plant grower and was particularly interested in growing within sustainable biodiverse and permacultural parameters. She loved discovering new plants and varieties and had a particular fascination for herbs. She had begun planning a herb garden before she died, so it is fitting that we should commemorate her in this way.

Her parents, acknowledging that some of Blue’s happiest times were spent in our garden, have been enormously generous in supporting the aims of Growing Matters and have given us funds to create this special garden. We chose a site by the south facing wall, previously occupied by a dilapidated greenhouse and spent a considerable time clearing and weeding this area. We have followed a layout devised by our garden designer June Tainsh, in which a series of steppingstones gently meander through a diverse collection of herbs. Some of the plants have been donated by volunteers and others bought in from suppliers. Each of the specimens is identified by a black pebble labelled with the plant’s common and Latin name.

We have already installed a seat at one corner of the garden and additional funds from Mr and Mrs Hesse have allowed us to purchase a high-quality teak seat, which is located at the other corner of the garden, under a sheltering pergola. Blue’s parents have asked that we attach a plaque to the seat to commemorate their daughter and it reads “In memory of Blue who loved the garden”.

Everyone in the garden has contributed in some way or other to this special garden and it has been a real honour to be able to create such a beautiful area in memory of our dear friend Blue.


Restoring Water Well & Pond


Woodland Garden